Principal interest(s):
Area(s) of research:
Corinne Antignac will be giving a talk about “xxx” on Sunday, June xx.

Principal interest(s): 1. pathophysiology, biomarkers, diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of lysosomal storage disorders, in particular the sphingolipidoses and mucopolysaccharidoses
2. keep medicines accessible and affordable for patients.
Area(s) of research: translational studies in lysosomal storage disorders as well as orphan drug regulations and development
Carla Hollak will be giving a talk about “Lysosomal Storage Disorders: The Attenuated Phenotypes”.

Principal interest(s): Human Genetics
Area(s) of research: Mendelian disorders
Fowzan S Alkuraya will be giving a talk about “Testing the Limits of Mendelian Inheritance Through Autozygosity” on Monday, June 08.

Principal interest(s): Bioethics, philosophy of medicine, neuroethics, and applied philosophy
Area(s) of research: The ethics of human/non-human chimera research, the ethics of mitochondrial replacement techniques, and the ethics of in vitro gametogenesis
César Palacios-González will be giving a talk about “Should the UK’s Approach to MRT be Adopted in Other Countries?”.

Principal interest(s): Genetic diversity, genetic genealogy, population genetics and forensic DNA practices, in addition to biomedical research r.
Area(s) of research: Race, science and technology studies, social studies of genetics, social studies of forensics, physical anthropology, anthropology of science.
Amade M’charek will be giving a talk about “Using Direct to Consumer Test for Forensic Purposes”.
Meet our confirmed conference speakers for this year’s conference and find out more about their background and work.

Principal interest(s): Duchenne muscular dystrophy, dystrophin, exon skipping, antisense oligonucleotides
Area(s) of research: Exon skipping therapy development for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Annemieke Aartsma-Rus will be giving a talk about “Lessons learnt from the “DMD saga”: from genetics to clinical trials”.

University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Principal interest(s): Transcriptional regulation; regulatory elements; regulatory variation; computational biology; machine learning
Area(s) of research: Robin Andersson is an Associate professor of Bioinformatics at the Department of biology, University of Copenhagen. His main expertise is in genomics approaches for enhancer activity profiling and computational modelling of transcriptional regulation. The main objective of his research is to characterize and better understand the architectures of transcriptional regulation, the fundamental properties of regulatory elements, and the determinants of enhancer and promoter function. To this end, the Andersson lab performs computational analyses and modelling of transcriptional regulation based on large-scale sequencing data of transcription initiation events and other genomics data.
Robin Andersson will be giving a talk about “How to enhance your genome – Regulatory networks and enhancers”.

Principal interest(s): I work in a broad range of computational/statistical approaches to genetic/genomic data, predominantly human data but also other organisms. These include genome-wide models to understand the genetic architecture of complex traits, as well as inferences of ancestry and relatedness.
Area(s) of research: Statistical genetics, population genetics, genetic epidemiology, forensic genetics, evolution
David Balding will be giving a talk about “How are the causes of complex disease distributed in the human genome?”.

Principal interest(s): Gene regulation, Epigenetics, 3D Genome, Lymphoma and Leukemia, Single Cells, Bioinformatics
Area(s) of research: In our lab we aim to study the heterogeneity of oncogenic events in healthy and pre-malignant cells in vitro and in vivo using single-cell technologies. On top of that, we aim to define cell intrinsic mechanisms, such as enhancer activation and 3D chromatin interactions, that influence the observed heterogeneity. Altogether, we aim to create new insights into the source of epigenetic oncogenic lesions to create a better understanding of the complex process of tumor formation.
Renée Beekman will be giving a talk about “Epigenomics of single cells in cancer”.

Principal interest(s): Privacy and data protection law in health and genetics, biotechnology law, and bioethics. Particularly the legal regulation of precision medicine, artificial intelligence, and data sharing and reuse of health and genetic data across contextual and/or jurisdictional borders.
Area(s) of research: Law and ethics.
Heidi Beate Bentzen will be giving a talk about “How to transfer genomic data internationally in compliance with the GDPR”.

Principal interest(s): Dr Stephanie Best is a health services researcher focusing on the use of implementation science: translating evidence into real-world practice and policy. She has had an extensive clinical and management career as a Chartered Physiotherapist and became interested in why it can sometimes, despite the evidence, be hard to see a change in practice. A PhD followed and several years later Stephanie is now working with Australian Genomics, researching the implementation of genomic services into the Australian healthcare system.
Area(s) of research: Influences on implementation, implementation interventions, scaling up and sustainability, leadership, professional identity
Stephanie Best will be giving a talk about “The art, science and practice of implementing genomics in clinical care”.

National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, United States
Principal interest(s): Clinical Genomics
Mosaic overgrowth disorders
Area(s) of research: Clinical Genomics
Mosaic overgrowth disorders
Leslie Biesecker will be giving a talk about “Regional overgrowth”.

Principal interest(s): Cerebral cortex – development, evolution and disease epigenetics, regulatory genomics, gene expression
Area(s) of research: The long-term objective of the Bonev Lab is to decipher the genetic and epigenetic blueprints of cortical development and evolution. To accomplish this, we study the interplay between transcription factors, 3D nuclear organization and gene expression in vivo and using cerebral organoids. Our research is highly interdisciplinary and combines developmental neurobiology, single cell –omics, mouse genetics, CRISPR-based techniques and computational biology.
Boyan Bonev will be giving a talk about “Creating, integrating and joint analysis of state-of-the-art single-cell multi-omics data”.

Area(s) of research: Liver gene therapy
Liver tissue dynamics
Alessio Cantore will be giving a talk about “Creating, integrating and joint analysis of state-of-the-art single-cell multi-omics data”.

Principal interest(s): His scientific interest focuses on preimplantation genetic testing and the development of novel molecular techniques and embryo biopsy protocols to improve pregnancy and take-home baby rates in ART; basic research is focused on the mechanisms of aneuploidies in oocytes and preimplantation human embryos.
Area(s) of research: He has developed substantial expertise in Preimplantation Genetic Testing, IVF and clinical embryology, Preconception Carrier Screening, Human Genetics.
Antonio Capalbo will be giving a talk about “Status of PGT and embryo selection in the era of NGS”.

Principal Investigator at Hubrecht Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy and at Prinses Máxima Centrum for Pediatric,
Oncology and Oncode Investigator at Oncode Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Hans Clevers will be giving a talk about “Human stem cells-based organoids for personalized disease modelling in human genetics”.

Principal interest(s): Dysmorphology, Genomic syndromology, developmental genetics
Area(s) of research: Rare Developmental Disorders
Sofia Douzgou Houge will be giving a talk about “Telemedicine in Genetics Services”.

Principal interest(s): Imprinting Disorders, Mongenetic Disorders, Chromosomal Disorders
Area(s) of research: Imprinting Disorders
Thomas Eggermann will be giving a talk about “Genetic basis of imprinting disordes”.

Principal interest(s): My main research interest is to undertake integrative analyses and provide biological meaning to the basic genetic data in order to contribute to the identification of new risk genes and biological pathways for psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. The power and accuracy of my models and analyses are achieved by accessing UK national and international big data resources of deeply phenotyped data with millions of genetic variants, by my deep understanding and extensive expertise in dementia research, and by my solid training in mathematics.
Area(s) of research: Genetics, genomics, polygenic risk scoring, methodology development for genetic data analyses.
Valentina Escott-Price will be giving a talk about “Polygenic risks in disorders of aging”.

Principal interest(s): In 1977 immediately after obtaining her doctorate in psychology with a dissertation about “Mathematical models for the analysis of preference data” she started working in the Center for Human Genetics of the University Hospitals Leuven. She founded and developped the Psychosocial Genetics Unit with three objectives: (1) Research about the psychological aspects of genetics, (2) Clinical practice in the context of predictive testing for late onset disease and (3) Public education about genetic risk, genetic counselling and genetic testing. During a long period she was active in the European Society for Human Genetics, initially as co-chair of the EMPAG meetings and as a member of the Public and Professional Policy Committee and later also as a member of the Board. She was a member of the Belgian Advisory Committee on Bioethics during the period 1996-2014.
Area(s) of research: (1) Genetic risk perception, decision making involving genetic risk and psychological impact of genetic testing in families confronted with genetic disease (2) Opinions about genetics and genetic testing in the population at large and in specific subgroups. Over the years an increasing focus on predictive testing as well as prenatal/preimplantation testing for late onset disease.
Gerry Evers-Kiebooms will be giving a talk about “Psychological aspects of genetic risk and genetic testing revisited”.

Principal interest(s): Cancer epidemiology, Global Health, Molecular Genetics, Real World Evidence
Area(s) of research: Cancer molecular epidemiology studies, tumor marker studies, etiologic heterogeneity
Jonine Figueroa will be giving a talk about “Improving precision medicine for breast cancer in Africa”.

Prinipal interest(s): computational biology; regulatory genomics; rare diseases
Area(s) of research: computational biology; regulatory genomics; rare diseases
Julien Gagneur will be giving a talk about “AI in genomics: the present and the future”.

Area(s) of research: Andrea´s research interests lie on the intersection between epidemiology, genetics and statistics. Andrea has authored and co-authored both methodological and applied papers focused on leveraging large scale epidemiological datasets to identify novel socio-demographic, metabolic and genetic markers of common complex diseases. He has extensive expertise in statistical genetics and has been working with large-scale exome and genome sequencing data. He is co-leading tow major international consortia: the COVID-19 host genetic initiative and the INTERVENE consortium. His research vision is to integrate genetic data and information from electronic health record/national health registries to enhance early detection of common diseases and public health interventions, for which he has been awarded a ERC starting grant.
Andrea Ganna will be giving a talk about “The COVID-19 host genetics initiative – an international, open science effort to identify genetic risk factors for COVID19 severity and susceptibility”.

Principal interest(s): His laboratory is interested in human active Transposable Elements, denominated LINE-1 or L1 for Long INterspersed element class 1, and his group has developed physiological models to understand TE accumulation in humans, their impact, and their epigenetic regulation. More recently, and aiming to understand the impact of LINE-1 mobilization in the brain, his group has developed new in vivo models of LINE retrotransposition, using zebrafish.
Area(s) of research :Genetics, Molecular Biology, Mobile DNA, Retrotransposons
Jose L. Garcia-Perez will be giving a talk about “Models to study the impact of active retrotransposons on the genome”.

Principal interest(s): Amyloidosis, Nephrology
Area(s) of research: Amyloidosis
Julian David Gillmore will be giving a talk about “Patisiranin clinical practice – Experience from the UK National Amyloidosis Centre”.

Principal interest(s): Communication and management of uncertainty in medicine
Area(s) of research: Medical uncertainty; risk communication; medical decision making
Paul K.J. Han will be giving a talk about “What are the different types of uncertainty that patients experience in the clinical genome sequencing?”.

Principal interest(s): Exploiting disruptive cutting-edge techniques and scientific approaches to understand the developing human immune
system and define the mechanisms of tissue homeostasis, immunity and inflammation.
Area(s) of research: Muzlifah is a leading member of the Human Cell Atlas initiative and pioneered the application of single cell genomics to decode the developing human immune system, and the human skin in health and disease.
Muzlifah Haniffa will be giving a talk about “Studying the immune system cell by cell”.

Johns Hopkins University, Balitmore, United States
Principal interest(s): Bias and normalization in high-throughput genomics. Statistical nalysis of epigenomics and transcriptomics data. New assay technologies.
Area(s) of research: Statistical genomics / epigenomics
Kasper D. Hansen will be giving a talk about “Computational analysis of DNA methylation in disease”.

Principal interest(s): Her work is focussed on finding new genetic risk factors for hereditary cancer, as well as identification of patients with hereditary cancer and improving cancer surveillance for those at high hereditary risk for cancer by research in pan European Networks
Area(s) of research: Cancer Genetics
Nicoline Hoogerbrugge will be giving a talk about “Boosting hereditary cancer research with the European Reference Network GENTURIS”.

Principal interest(s): My research focuses on pediatric and young adult cancers, especially brain tumors and histone-mutant cancers and how they may stem from altered or stalled development. My group uncovered that pediatric high-grade astrocytomas (HGA) are molecularly and genetically distinct from adult tumors. We also identified a new molecular mechanism driving pediatric HGA, namely recurrent somatic driver mutations in the tail of histone 3 variants (H3.3 and H3.1). Our work created a paradigm shift in cancer with the identification of histone mutations in human disease, as the epigenome was a previously unsuspected hallmark of oncogenesis, thus linking development and what we now know are epigenetic-driven cancers.
Nada Jabado will be giving a talk about “What, when, and whys of genome-wide association studies (GWAS)”.

Principal interest(s): Jen is particularly interested in research into the lived experiences of those with health conditions.
Area(s) of research: Healthcare services, rare conditions, primary care, creative methods and outputs, research impact.
Jennifer Jones will be giving a talk about “The patient perspective”.

Principal interest(s): Developing and applying statistical methodology for omics data to better understand complex human traits and thus, to improve prevention and treatment of diseases.
Area(s) of research: Genetics of metabolic and psychiatric traits, and co-morbidities between diseases.
Marika Kaakinen will be giving a talk about “What, when, and whys of genome-wide association studies (GWAS)”.

Area(s) of research: Cellular genetics, functional genomics, single-cell genomics, stem cell models of disease, developmental disorders
Helena Kilpinen will be giving a talk about “Variants and cellular traits”.

Principal interest(s): Genomics, Computational Biology, Epigenomics, Cancer, Brain development, Single-cell biology
Area(s) of research: Our research exploits genome-wide technologies and data science to understand pathological mechanisms of gene expression, with a particular focus on cancer and brain development.
Claudia Kleinman will be giving a talk about “Transcriptional programs of brain tumors”.

Principal interest(s): Glycogen storage disease research
Area(s) of research: Gene therapy, orphan drug development
Dwight D Koeberl will be giving a talk about “AAV gene therapy for glycogen storage diseases”.

Area(s) of research: Her research interests include the social, political and ethical implications of genomic technologies for Indigenous people. She is a Chief Investigator of Australian Genomics, an Expert Advisory Committee member for the Genomics Health Futures Mission, and organises the Australian chapter of the Summer Internship for Indigenous Peoples in Genomics (SING).
Emma Kowal will be giving a talk about “Ethics and inclusivity when working with indigenous populations”.

Principal interest(s): Mutational processes in early development and in fetal and adult stem cells and how that can lead to disease.
Area(s) of research: Studying the causes and consequences of mutational processes by using single cell whole genome sequencing technologies on early embryos, tissue specific organoids and primary and metastasized cancers.
Ewart Kuijk will be giving a talk about “Genomic instability in early embryonic development”.

Principal interest(s): My research program focuses on advancing our ability to design better treatment strategies to improve outcomes for AML by overcoming resistance, particularly in pediatric patients by leveraging a wide-range of multi-omics approaches. This research spans from preclinical basic research comprising the discovery phase utilizing cell line model systems to translational/clinical phase in patient populations from multi-institute clinical trials. Our results are directed towards designing personalized and more effective treatment regimens for AML patients and identification of novel therapeutic targets that could transform the current therapeutic regimens in AML.
Area(s) of research: Pharmacogenomics, metabolomics, Proteomics, epigenetics, Acute Myeloid leukemia, leukemic stem cells
Jatinder Lamba will be giving a talk about “Pharmacogenomics: saving lives with personalized treatment”.

Principal interest(s): Population Genetics
Area(s) of research: Complex Traits, GWAS, Epidemiology, Methodology
Daniel John Lawson will be giving a talk about “Genetic population structure and its consequences in biobank scale data”.

Principal interest(s): (i) assessing the efficiency of health strategies, (ii) understanding the decision-making processes of patients, caregivers and clinicians throughout the care pathway (from screening to treatment) using quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies, and identifying/analyzing the factors that influence their choices.
Area(s) of research: oncology, oncogenetics and rare diseases.
Catherine Lejeune will be giving a talk about “Social and human sciences informing the implementation of genomics”.

Principal interest(s): My principal research interests are the biology and diagnostic applications of cell-free nucleic acids in plasma.
Area(s) of research: Non-invasive prenatal testing, Cancer liquid biopsy
Y. M. Dennis Lo will be giving a talk about “Mendel Lecture”.

Principal interest(s): Spatially resolved omics
Area(s) of research: Technology development
Joakim Lundeberg will be giving a talk about “Spatially resolved gene expression”.

Principal interest(s): Genomics, Data
Area(s) of research: Population Genomics, rare disease
Daniel MacArthur will be giving a talk about “Comparative genomics across species and populations”.

Principal interest(s): My work has been mainly related to genetics of metabolic and reproductive traits. I am also interested in method development for association analysis, meta-analysis and polygenic risk scores.
Area(s) of research: bioinformatics, genetic epidemiology, genomics
Reedik Mägi will be giving a talk about “Population structure, meta-analysis and trans-ethnic meta-analysis in GWAS”.

Principal interest(s): Chromosome biology
Area(s) of research: Functional impact of satellite DNAs; long-read technologies and computational tools to improve high-resolution maps of human peri/centromeric regions; assess clinical impact of satellite sequence variation; novel gene regulation mechanisms involving constitutive heterochromatin
Karen Miga will be giving a talk about “Unraveling the sequence of the centromere”.

Principal interest(s): Genome evolution
Area(s) of research: Transcription, evolution, mutagenesis
Duncan T Odom will be giving a talk about “Rapid evolution of genome regulation in mammals”.

Area(s) of research: gene regulation, genomics, bioinformatics
Uwe Ohler will be giving a talk about “Combining regulatory genomics deep learning with rare-variant association tests”.

Principal interest(s): My work focuses on the molecular mechanisms by which primary cilia are assembled and function to regulate specific cellular signaling pathways. Furthermore, my lab studies the molecular etiology of diseases caused by mutations in ciliary or centrosomal genes, including cone-rod dystrophy and hearing loss.
Area(s) of research: cell biology, cilia, centrosomes, cytoskeleton
Lotte B. Pedersen will be giving a talk about “Primary cilia in health and disease”.

Principal interest(s): The Genomics of DNA damage, repair, and mutagenesis
Area(s) of research: Genomics, DNA damage, DNA repair, Mutagenesis, Computational Biology, Epigenetics, Machine Learning, Personalised Oncology
Anna Poetsch will be giving a talk about “DNA damage maps”.

Principal interest(s): Health policy; practices, institutions and politics of solidarity; political, social and ethical aspects of Personalised Medicine; data-rich practices in science and medicine; regulation of DNA technologies in medicine and forensics; science & technology policy
Area(s) of research: see above
Barbara Prainsack will be giving a talk about “Global genetics towards a socially just practice: a view from Europe”.

Principal interest(s): clinical genomics
Area(s) of research: clinical genomics
Heidi Rehm will be giving a talk about “Using genomic resources to interpret the clinical significance of rare variants”.

Principal interest(s): Rebecca Richmond is a Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow in the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol. Her research aims to: 1) highlight the relative importance and inter-relationships of health behaviours for prioritization in disease prevention strategies and 2) identify molecular pathways which could serve as therapeutic targets for intervention. She has specific interests in cancer, women’s health and lifecourse epidemiology.
Area(s) of research: Her major areas of focus are on the large-scale integration of molecular data in population health science as well as the development and application of causal inference methods, including Mendelian randomization.
Rebecca Richmond will be giving a talk about “The mediatory role of DNA methylation in causal pathways”.

Principal interest(s): Molecular Diagnostics, Epigenomics, Clinical Biomarkers
Area(s) of research: Clinical Genomics and Epigenomics, AI and Molecular Diagnostics in Genetic Disorders
Bekim Sadikovic will be giving a talk about “DNA methylation episignatures in Mendelian neurodevelopmental disorders”.

Principal interest(s): The long-term central goal of my career is to improve the outcomes of drug treatment by gaining a better understanding of the genetic mechanisms that result in inter-individual variability in drug response.
Area(s) of research: pharmacogenetics; pharmacogenomics; phenoconversion
Jesse J. Swen will be giving a talk about “Diagnosis and treatment of imprinting disorders”.

Principal interest(s): Major interests are in genomics, epigenomics and clinical characterization of childhood developmental disorders
Area(s) of research: Recognized for her identification of new genetic imprinting syndromes including Temple syndrome, a condition with marked short stature and late onset obesity. Together with her colleagues in Southampton, she has pioneered research into the epigenetic causes of transient neonatal diabetes (TND) and other imprinting disorders identifying the phenomenon of multi locus imprinting disturbance. She co-runs the European Reference Network clinic in Southampton for patients with imprinting disorders.
Karen Temple will be giving a talk about “Diagnosis and treatment of imprinting disorders”.

Principal interest(s): Clare is Professor of Translational Cancer Genetics in the Division of Genetics and Epidemiology at the Institute of Cancer Research. Her research spans statistical, population and public-health-related analyses of cancer epidemiology, genetic cancer susceptibility and implementation of expanded genomic testing. Undertaking germline, somatic and functional genomic studies in various tumour types, Clare has a particular interest in testicular cancer. Her team has led the international field in identification of genetic factors influencing testicular germ cell tumorogenesis.
Area(s) of research: She is currently rolling out a new £4.3 million CRUK-funded Catalyst Award: ‘CanGene-CanVar: Data Resources, Clinical and Educational Tools to leverage Cancer Susceptibility Genetics for Early Detection and Prevention of Cancer’ program, involving analysis of national genomic datasets against PHE National Cancer Registration datasets. She is also in process of initiating BRCA-DIRECT: a CRUK-funded program to develop and pilot a digital platform to deliver BRCA testing, enabling extension of testing to all women with breast cancer. Over the last year, she has also worked closely with PHE, NHS Improvements and CRUK regarding cancer survival and routes to diagnosis in the context of COVID-19-related disruption.
Having trained as a Clinical Geneticist, her clinical work at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust focuses on management of patients and families with genetic susceptibility to cancer.
Clare Turnbull will be giving a talk about “Translational collaborations in hereditary cancer”.

Principal interest(s): HI have a particular interest in developing statistical genetics methods to understanding the genetic determinants of early life growth and its links with cardio-metabolic diseases in later life.
Area(s) of research: Genome-wide association studies, Mendelian randomization
Nicole Warrington will be giving a talk about “Estimating direct and indirect genetic effects on birth weight”.
Principal interest(s): Epigenetics, neurodevelopmental disorders, growth disorders, DNA methylation
Area(s) of research: Epigenetics, neurodevelopmental disorders, growth disorders, DNA methylation, epigenetic signatures
Rosanna Weksberg will be giving a talk about “Epigenetic signatures in overgrowth syndrome”.

Principal interest(s): The role of lipids in atherosclerosis and in peroxisomal diseases.
Area(s) of research: Familial Hypercholesterolaemia; Familial Chlyomicronaemia syndrome; Lipids & atherosclerosis; Monogenic adult peroxisomal disorders; Guidelines & health economics
Anthony S. Wierzbicki will be giving a talk about “Coping with uncertainty of genomic testing in a non-genetic setting”.